Update 11

by Firephoenix

After lots of hosting troubles, the RMP site is fortunately back, gently hosted by El-muerte B-).
I've used this occasion to improve the code a little and to clean the organization sections.

The work is now clearer than ever : some evoluated objects and vehicles still have to be made (check the tasks assessment section), else we only need the remaining characters and scenes.
So if you have modelling skills, please browse the help_pictures page and choose an area that fits you, and then subscribe to it in the grounds creation section.
Or if you'd rather model characters, check the already made models (characters section) and submit the new one you'd like to make in the tasks assessment section.
Else, just subscribe for the remaining objects and free tasks in that tasks assessment section.

But remember that the RMP, even if it has already gathered an impressive number of creations, can't go on by itself, so we expect you all to add your stone to the building. If everyone worked together it'd be a piece of cake to complete all the necessary scenes for the movie :-).

But first of all, I'd like everyone to check his currently subscribed tasks in the tasks assessment section, to modify them whenever necessary, and then to be ready to actively WORK on those subscribed tasks. Because a bunch of tasks have been taken by members, and however we dont often get finished creations...

Concerning the instructions and the progress of the RMP, remember that lots of infos, tips and links are still available in the previous Update 10.

*To the scene creators working under 3dsmax : when you plan to use objects of Bu's temple in your scene, please always merge them as Object Xrefs, not just simple copies, and to clone them as Instances if you need several times the same object in the scene. That way, later on, other modelers will be able to improve the quality of the objects in their separate file, and the objects will be automatically improved in all the scenes that use them as Object Xrefs. Most important, never forget to clone as Instances (or References with added modifiers) the objects that have to be (almost) identical in a scene, else it'll be a mess to edit all the objects together, later on.

Of course, Xrefs imply some rules for the work organization : please NEVER rename a max file from Bu's temple that you plan to link as Xref, else the linknames wont be the same between the scenes using the same objects, and all the interest of the Xrefs will be lost. The same way, don't rename the elements of an object of Bus' temple that you want to use as Xref. But you can without problems group the elements of an Xref object after linking it into the scene, to be able to manipulate the objects more easily, because it doesnt influe on the way the elements are linked to the scene.

To prevent troubles, please link the Object Xrefs with the parameter : [Modifiers : Xref], thus the elements AND their stack of modifiers will be linked to the scene, and the future edits will be easy.

For more infos concerning Xrefs, just contact Darkflame or Firephoenix.

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