The LBA Compendium project has recently woken up under the leading of Wacko,
that built the "Encyclopedia Twinsunica" web page to store, sort and display
all the articles and pictures on the LBA world that MBN members submit on the
LBA Compendium forum. And the RMP helped a lot that project, by providing the
full LBA world in screenshots (see the "End of the screenshotting work"
article), and to a smaller range by giving a FTP to this encyclopedia
An other LBA project has recently started : LBA3D. Its goal is for the moment
to developp a C++/OpenGl engine that would then be used to create LBA fan games.
And the RMP helps a lot that project by providing it test models and a
The members of that project also developp LBRA, a racing game on the LBA world.
The LBA-DM project also takes benefit of the RMP's works, but not only for the
help pictures. Its members can actually optimize the RMP's models and use them
for that HL mod, as the textures and musics of Bu's temple.
Alas, the contrary isn't well possible the LBA-DM models arent detailed enough
to be easily used in a movie, and even the LBA textures extracted for it arent
precise enough for the RMP (
While we speak of LBA projects, for those who dont know it yet, Yazor is at
the moment reimplementing LBA1's engine, to make it compatible with the last
types of OS, and if wanted, to improve its features in the same time. It'd also
allow the creation of LBA1 mods. Have a look at
"Target the sun, if you miss it, you'll fall in the stars"
(copyright FP 2002)
Overminded and Overburned...
Typicaly Elsewhere