3D Models Library
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Created by Dark Eyedol on 05-09-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 97 KB ]
The monitor that follows all the teleportation operations on Twinsun...
Created by The_angry_monkey on 01-10-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip [ with 174 KB ]
Here is a model of the telepads seen all around the LBA world.
Created by The_angry_monkey on 01-19-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 232 KB ]
The Hamalayi's telecom station : Destroy it or die...It is made from many pieces so that it can be "blown up" with chunky explosions.
Created by Assassin on 07-08-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 81 KB ]
The towers that are all around the Desert island (I wonder how soldiers could climb on them)...
Created by Assassin on 08-06-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 334 KB ]
The little tent where the soldiers sleep, in the military camps...
Created by Thehen on 05-09-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 293 KB ]
Some of the soldiers' protections against intrusions...
Created by Firephoenix on 03-10-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 412 KB ]
The little box for the soldiers...
Created by Dark Eyedol on 02-26-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 102 KB ]
A model of a regular locker from jails, labs and factories...
Created by Dark Eyedol on 03-05-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 706 KB ]
The so numerous oil tankers near the soldiers' camps...
Created by Firephoenix on 08-11-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 649 KB ]
The big and heavy metal cage that is used to capture Twinsen in the Fortress...
Created by Dark Eyedol on 08-19-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 128 KB ]
The automatic turret that protects the Hamalayi buildings...
Created by Phoenix on 04-18-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 249 KB ]
The dangerous machine gun that kill anybody that approaches...
Created by Kaderoboy on 06-09-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 647 KB ]
The gun of the high level groboclones, quite dangerous in low range...
Created by Assassin on 07-08-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 74 KB ]
An other version of the banner of Funfrock...
Created by Thehen on 07-08-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 46 KB ]
The banner of Funfrock, that is on all the walls of his buildings...
Created by Assassin on 11-13-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 139 KB ]
The fake shark of the sewers of Funfrock's Fortress...
Created by Dark Eyedol on 03-04-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 273 KB ]
The desk of the doctors and nurses...
Created by Totoleboboss on 10-03-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 532 KB ]
A huge boiler/generator (no one ever knew what it was for :p)...
Created by Axx on 08-28-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 374 KB ]
The barriers that protect the important areas like the factories...
Created by Firephoenix on 04-11-2003
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 224 KB ]
The cement mills we can see in the northern construction site...
Created by Assassin on 07-08-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 110 KB ]
A version of the simple bed that is in each cell of Funfrock's prisons...
Created by Dark Eyedol on 03-17-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 254 KB ]
A model of the little wooden toilet houses you see at FF's military camps...
Created by Phoenix on 04-18-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 495 KB ]
The computer we often see in Funfrock's factories...
Created by Lightwing on 07-05-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 105 KB ]
A barrel of fuel, for Funfrock's men...
Created by The_angry_monkey on 01-19-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 86 KB ]
The actual vessel is hollow, so liquids can be put inside, and the lid has a screw cap, just in case :-)
Created by Dotten on 03-13-2005
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 450 KB ]
A dangerous rifle that both FF soldiers and rebels can use...
Created by Dark Eyedol on 02-26-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 556 KB ]
A model of a regular rotative machine-gun...
Created by Firephoenix on 03-24-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 28 KB ]
We can see near the beaches those huge steel barricades, surely a way to prevent rebels from making a landing with vehicles...
Created by Dark Eyedol on 02-26-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 47 KB ]
A model of an annoying and unavoidable object of the game...

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Design by Alexandre Fontoura [alexfont]