News page
  OPEN SOURCE RMP - Posted by Firephoenix, 09-08-2007

Most of the creations of the RMP depot (except musics, because of crediting problems) have been released to the public domain !

Loads of new tasks available ! - Posted by Firephoenix, 12-20-2006

In order to complete a beautiful introduction scene, we posted loads of tasks in the assessment system - feel free to help !

Big uploads & INTRO WIP - Posted by Firephoenix, 04-18-2006

The block animation of "The Dream" is in progress, and several clones and grounds have been uploaded recently !

Big updates - Posted by Firephoenix, 01-24-2006

Loads of new characters and design sketches have been added recently !

Compatibility bugs fixed - Posted by Firephoenix, 11-13-2005

Thanks to the new system of links, which are now generated dynamically, the page is at last compatible with both Explorer and Mozilla.

Major upload of sketches and models - Posted by Firephoenix, 10-25-2005

Thanks to Luke, Dotten and Ofer, the tempel of Bu keeps filling up with good creations B-)

RMP site cleaned up - Posted by Firephoenix, 10-03-2004

I've cleaned the tasks assessment page and the team listing by removing outdated elements.

Bu's temple reborn ! - Posted by Firephoenix, 10-23-2003

The ftps were suppressed because of an "abuse of space and bandwidth", fortunately El_Muerte gave the RMP a big new one ! So I took the occasion to clean and improve the file scripts a little bit, and now the super site is back, thanks El ! B-)

Site patched to PHP 4 - Posted by Firephoenix, 07-12-2003

The site has been impossible to load for a while, since had decreased the power of the.html3 servers, so I've had to recode the.html pages to use the.html4 server instead, and since some http funcions didnt work anymore I've changed the file detection system of the site. ALl seems to work now B-)

Textures section updated - Posted by Firephoenix, 06-24-2003

I've released the textures section to the public part of the site, and I've added some awesome links to find miscellaneous textures B-)

New section : grounds listing - Posted by Firephoenix, 03-28-2003

I've just finished to code the new section "Grounds creation" that'll list all the areas required for the movie, with their current status and formularies to share them between modelers.

The Forum is Back - Posted by Darkflame, 01-20-2003

Just in case anyone read the last news and doesn't know yet :D

The MBN burned - Posted by Firephoenix, 11-20-2002

The Twente university building containing the MBN server has burned. The datas seem to be saved, but the forum is not available anymore :(

Bu's temple engine reimplementation - Posted by Firephoenix, 09-30-2002

I've rewritten the full.html scripts of the site, it can now be extended to an infinite number of random FTPs, because the page automatically scanns the available FTPs to set the links toward the creations, and by this way the brokenb links are automatically detected. The source codes are optimized, cleaned and fully evolutive now.

Final battle storyboard - Posted by Firephoenix, 09-02-2002

Have a look at my huge storyboard for the final battle, in the "scripts/storyboards" section.

Update 9 - Posted by Firephoenix, 09-02-2002

The update 9 is now online, go and read it in the "informations" section. It especially contains instructions for the auditions and the uploads.

Screenshoting work fully finished ! - Posted by Firephoenix, 07-07-2002

Thanks to Assassin and HomerSimpson, Twinsun is now fully available in normal pictures, and released to the public.

Big improvements - Posted by Firephoenix, 07-07-2002

*Help_pictures section moved on a remote FTP to free space on the main FTP. *New login system, easier to use.

New explosion and remake of the site's organisation - Posted by Firephoenix, 06-13-2002

*The musics, that began to take a big space, have been moved on a remote FTP, as the 3D models and the videos. Bu's temple is so now a meta-site built on 7 different FTPs :).
*I've also set up the audition section scripts, and I've remade the sorting of 3D models and musics.

Huge uploads - Posted by Firephoenix, 05-09-2002

I've spent all the day updating Bu's temple : go and see the amounts of new models, and the huge full map of the citadel island.

Scripts' section updated - Posted by Firephoenix, 05-06-2002

Go and see the last scripts in the scripts/storyboards section...

Darkflame's old site death - Posted by Firephoenix, 04-04-2002, the second site of the RMP, is now really dead. *snif* A page of the project is turned...
However, the first site of Darkflame,, is still alive, even if it's not updated anymore...

Update 8 - Posted by Firephoenix, 03-31-2002

Every member must now have received the Update 8, sent during the explosion of Bu's temple.

Bu's temple explosion - Posted by Firephoenix, 03-31-2002

The available space is now 100% filled up, I'm trying to make a multi-FTP site, but no one can imagine the problems I meet there... Arghh I hate the.html, the web and my computer...

Improvements ! - Posted by Firephoenix, 03-04-2002

*New system to submit tasks automatically, and subscribe to them in the same time ! (tasks assessement section)
*New redirection system to give men a URL of the page that loads in the right frame the section you want.
Check the "Other sections->Redirection script" page to know more...

Script Update - Posted by Darkflame, 02-15-2002

An update to the initial script will be avaible shortly. It has a few changes and corrections, as well as 'blending' Q-Wi-Q's dream sequence into it.

Update : new files and sections - Posted by Firephoenix, 01-26-2002

Added more links and files to download in the two last sections...
And new section : forum summary and votes (informations section)

New link system made - Posted by Firephoenix, 01-26-2002

Unknown visitors have their own link system now, that link them to explanation pages, description of the project pages...

Update : new links - Posted by Firephoenix, 01-23-2002

You can now see all the creations of a section by clicking on the section's name (example : "Characters","Help screenshots"...)

Auditions thrown... - Posted by Firephoenix, 01-19-2002

I've uploaded the 2 first auditions... I wait for yours...

Top Secret pages - Posted by Firephoenix, 01-19-2002

*Now and until the project is finished only members can access models, textures, Voices... Added lots of models, videos, Screenshots...

Update 7 - Posted by Firephoenix, 01-15-2002

The RMP update 7 has been sent to every members...

More textures, maps, and movies - Posted by Darkflame, 01-14-2002

Will be avaible shortly: Lots of ceramic textures, Ground texture, Pictures of NCP's, a new map section for citadele Island and also a few new test avi's.

Update - Posted by Firephoenix, 01-13-2002

*Added lots of movies, clips, Atresica's script for the beginning of the movie...
*Reorganisation of the page architecture, added 'new files' section
*improved search engine
*preparing the RMP Update 7

Added the "team" section and administrator tools - Posted by Firephoenix, 01-09-2002

You can email members by clicking on their names. I'll add a special "voice" table for voices assessement.

Update of the storyboards - Posted by Firephoenix, 01-05-2002

Added "the beginning" by Atresica

Big Update - Posted by Firephoenix, 01-05-2002

I've added 3 super battle musics and a system that gives you the size of files and detects dead links! :-)

Bu's temple is born ! - Posted by Firephoenix, 01-01-2002

The temple of Bu is now availabe to organize the RMP and to store the creations of members.

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