What is RMP?
Quick facts:
Est Lenght: 45Min+
Project Started: 2000
Project Ends: TBA
Team Members: Over 50, some actives
Destribution Method: Multiple Mediums
Cost: Free

At the beginning there was a game.
It was a good game....
Very good...

  Also known as "Relentless"

For years Hollywood has been picking the worst possible
games to make into films.
Mario - (Great game, stupid plot)
Street Fighter - (BLUE Camo's?What is the point?)
Mortal Kobat - (Arghh...)
Pokemon - (Arghh!!!!!!)
Tomb Raider (no comment)

Final Fantasy (that one is OK)

What Next?
Tetris: The Movie

This is terrible. Not only to we get plotless rubbish made
into films we also miss out on games that would make good films:

Zelda (Links Awakening or the Original NES)
Monkey Island (Lucas Films should take note of Lucas Arts is doing)
Dark Earth (Is being made into a CGI cartoon )
Day of the Tentacle (Lucas Film take note again!)
and many others...

But the one game the would make a great film is Relentless (LBA1).
So the Project was founded on 3/1/2001 and started with just Darkflame
(Thomas Wrobel) as the project 'guide'.
The project has been advancing slowly but we still need more people.
So if you want to help in anything, please contact us.


WHAT IS THE RMP ???.....
To make a Computer Graphic Movie based on the original LBA game.

How ?
Hopefully I can get enough Artists/Script writers/Voice actors etc.
to get the job done.

This is a purely fan-based film. No money will be paid to people
helping the movie happen.
They will however get these benifits:
1)A Credit on the site and on the finished film.
2)Knowledge that they have helped to do what Hollywood should have done years ago.
3)My Eternal Gratitude

All applicants must have two qualifications:
1) Being a Fan of Relentless (LBA1)
2) Having access to the web
If you meet these two requirements then the chances are you can help.
See below to see who is needed.

3D modelers :
To help animate and the movie. I use a programme that can export 3DS
format, but the following 3D programmes are available for free:
Gmax -> free lite version of 3dsmax, good
True space 3 (recommended by DF)
Brace 3d
Firephoenix can convert your files to *.3ds without problems.
(Primary Animator job taken, Character animator job taken,
we still really need more modelers )

Script Writters :
Needed to joint write the film. I have written the opening
sequence and will be 'guiding' the story.
Can also make story boards to explain what he thinks to. (Atresica is the main storyboard artist)

2D Textures Artists :
Needed to draw textures for 3d objects. Can be made using any
software with outputs to Jpg or PSP format. I recommend PSP7 by
Jasc Software

Voice Actors :
Needed for all major parts,
Twinsen, Zoe, Sendel, Funfrok ect. will be very according
to how the script is written.
Anyone who can speak English can do this.

Spelling Checkers :
Needed for this web site and the script

'Ideas' People
Needed for 'ideas'. If there is a problem with the script or story
then these people should offer suggestions, on the RMP forum
How does Twinsen carry the proto pack in his tunic? Will the magic
ball be solid or pure energy ?

If you can do any of these please sign up (Contact Darkflame or Firephoenix), you'll then have access to the entire pages of Bu's temple, the site filled with almost everything created for the project so far.
Copyright © 2005 LBA Relentless Movie Project - All rights reserved  
Design by Alexandre Fontoura [alexfont]