The RMP team
Darkflamewebmaster-modelerAdministrator -- Project guide
Firephoenixwebmaster-modeler-script-storyboards-voices : Maybe soldiers, rabbibunnies...Webmaster of Bu's temple -- Creations checker/repairer/uploader/linker.
AniXmodeler-script   This is a hard work, but we can do it ! ^_^
Double-Jscript-voices : Twinsen, Dr. Funfrock, Narrator, Jerome and rabbibunies...  
Guitarmodeler-screenshots   I dont really know what kind of LBA 3D models, but we'll see!
HomelessTargetmodeler-storyboards-screenshots-voices : i dont know, somebody would be fun...   i can help a little with the storyboard.
HomerSimpsontextures-screenshots-voices : Jerome Baldino (perhaps grobo's in general)   Skilled screenshots taker.
Jonathanaudiomaster-screenshots   (ex-Scorpionxx) - I can compose musics...
Lewi-Gmodeler-textures-script-storyboards-screenshots-voices : Send me an example sound clip and I'll have a go.   Lip Sync and Cloth Simulation skills
Luke648019651script-screenshots   Concept sketches maker.
Pandymodeler-script-storyboards-screenshots-voices : Narrator, Baldino, Secondary Characters ...   I'd love to help with anything, so please let me know if you need me to do anything.


3D-Bruynmodeler-textures-audiomaster-screenshots No comments, I just love the idea of your project.
Arognliescript-storyboards-screenshots-webmaster-voices : I'm a pretty articulate speaker 
Assassinmodeler-screenshots Jedi of the screen capture.
Atresicascript-storyboards-voices : All female voices 
Audio_Energy01modeler-audiomaster My mom has a Yamaha PSR-85, which I use a lot...
Axxmodeler-textures-script-storyboards-screenshots-voices : Almost every rabbibunny, spheroid etc. 
ChaosFishscript-screenshots I can probably do more stuff, but not right now (can't tell you why, sorry).
Cloneguyscript-storyboards-screenshots-voices : FunFrock, Baldino, possibly someone else too... 
CrOvAxmodeler-textures-audiomaster-script-storyboards-voices : I don't know yet, we'll see :) I'm in for anything. I'm not the best modeler around, but I can do some things to help the project.
Dark Eyedolmodeler-textures-audiomaster-voices : Dr. FunFrock 
Dark Keeperaudiomaster-script-webmaster 
DeeKayaudiomaster-script-storyboards-screenshots-voices : Anyone but the main characters 
Ephirielmodeler-script-storyboards I'd love to take part.
Evil-Twinsenaudiomaster-script-storyboards-screenshots-voices : Rabbibunnies especially :) Can try any other voice though. Would love to make some of the soundtrack. I already got some tracks ready especially for this.
FireBall2Kmodeler-script-storyboards-screenshots-webmaster Eh...spamming at forums as an advertisement? :p
Froghuntermodeler-webmaster I help Firephoenix for Bu's temple Administration and now i make some 3d models...
Gazogemscript I can help for spell checking.
Holicoolmodeler-textures-audiomaster-script-storyboards-screenshots-webmaster I'm ready to make anything to help.
Jesseaudiomaster-voices : Twinsen, funfrock, any possible serious voice. I prefer vilains, bad guys. 
Kaderoboymodeler-audiomaster-webmaster-voices : Possibly rabbubuny, grobo :) I can create musics for the project.
LBGustavscreenshots-voices : Funfrock I wanna do someone else too perhaps...
Lembomodeler-script-screenshots-webmaster-voices : anyone... Anything you'd like me to do...i'll try my best. :) I can't imagine that I'd be great at voice acting, but i can try! :)
Lightwingmodeler-script-screenshots As far as scripts are concerned, I'm best at correcting grammer. Mostly good at Bryce work, but can do 3dmax jobs as well. Looking forward to this.
Lord_of_2_sunsmodeler-textures-screenshots Very nice project :D
Maneeshscript-screenshots-voices : Twinsen and some others (rabbibunnies, grobos)... 
McKayscript-storyboards-screenshots-voices : Spheros and Rabbibunnies 
Mephisto69textures-audiomaster-script-storyboards-screenshots Voice acting -> i'm french (Arthur Huillet)
Modsaudiomaster-screenshots-voices : anyone needed 
Morden279script-storyboards Conceptual sketches, ideas...
Mosquibeescript-storyboards-screenshots-voices : Could be anyone : Zoe, rabbibunny etc... 
Phoenixtextures-audiomaster-videomaster I'm a very busy person. Basically I'll do what I can when I can, but what I will do, will be good.
Q-Wi-Qscript-storyboards Actually, I don't think I can do anything, but cheer :P
Rabbibunny052storyboards-screenshots-webmaster-voices : Sendell, Zoe or any of the females. 
Razortextures-script-storyboards I'll try to start studying 3D modelling.
Snapmanscript If you need any help on the script, I'd be more than willing to help.
SpaceGuitarKidtextures-audiomaster-screenshots-videomaster Great job, all who helped with the lba1 maps !
Suddenmodeler-script-screenshots Grammar & language over-all are my good point. In a little while i'll be able to get into 3d modeling.
Tempusermodeler-textures-script-storyboards-screenshots-webmaster Signing up mainly to use the resources, but if I can help in any way with the things I ticked above, and if any of my help is needed, I\'d be glad to provide.
Thehenmodeler-textures-script Cool, I wonder when it will be finished, that movie.
Tobiasaudiomaster-script-storyboards-screenshots-webmaster-voices : Anyone, but Baldino's good :-) 
Toppocket2002script-screenshots-voices : Twinsen; Funfrock I would like to be involved with this, as I am a big fan of Little Big Adventure 1 (Relentless) + 2 (Twinsens Odyssey). I hope, if successful with Relentless, everyone will do Little Big Adventure 2.
Trezyaudiomaster-script-storyboards-screenshots-voices : I don't know yet Im not quite sure who's voice I want to be yet. I am going to go to the Encyclopedia Twinsunica to see who I like. I am good at writing and at thinking on ideas. Also my brother is good at creating 3D models, textures, etc...
Tseiascript-webmaster-voices : A man, possibly multiple small roles I can help with HTML, and even though I am online a lot, I have other responsibilities.
ValorXIIscreenshots-voices : Twinsen? I'm Flexible. Sounds like a good project. I'll help.
Wackoscript-webmaster-voices : Not sure yet. 
Xakep_INCscreenshots-webmaster lol, Lba 3D Programmer.
Sebz2005audiomaster-screenshots-webmaster-videomaster 5.1 Sourround sound mixing Ink stain Productions - Video Webmastering - Creator !
Website - to be released,
Ofer-da-groboaudiomaster-screenshots-videomaster I make music :] & video editing = mixing the video with the final music thingie.
Quetchmodeler-textures-audiomaster-script-storyboards-screenshots-webmaster-videomaster-voices : Male Vocies So thrilled .... :) ... Can't wait to actually do something that will help !
Faustscript-storyboards-screenshots-voices : Bob Vortix, Twinsen, clones, 
DarkLokiscreenshots-webmaster We already had contect via mail.
SK00001modeler-screenshots no
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Design by Alexandre Fontoura [alexfont]