Summary of votes and forum discussions
  The relentless movie will surely be an about 30-40 mn film (maybe more) on LBA1 , that will be rendered in different definitions quality, surely in 300*400, and will maybe be put on VHS and CDR...
It's download size should be between 80 Mb (for the smallest version) to 240 Mb.

It will of course tell the original story (nothing will be added that couldn't have happened in the game) but it wont always be from Twinsen's point of view, some scenes will happen far of him, and we will more show other characters' personnalities and actions (we'll show Zoe who tries to escape from Funfrock's cells...).
Some scenes we hadn't seen in the game will be present, in particular in introduction, the Sendells and the Stellar entity will be shown...
To make the movie not too long, some scenes will be not shown, but they could have happened in the film, even if the watcher doesn't see them.

The true lip-sync wont be possible cause it's too hard and long to do, but the lips will move with the voices, with 3ds max plug-ins or other things.

Of course, the game must be adapted to make a good film, and lots of discussions about some plots have taken place on the forum, or still do.

Very important point : the originality of the movie.
We had 3 ways to make this film :
-make a quite boring movie that follows the story and the battles as in the game...
-a fun movie that takes lots of effects/actions of other films (matrix,Save the private Ryan...), clichés, to be more interessant...
-a really 100% original movie, that invents its own effects and battle actions, and rests 100% "nocliché". In this way, we run the risk of being boring, but we got a chance of making a fabulous movie... All depends of our creativity.

The third way has been chosen to be the guide-line of the project. So it's not easy, but we got to "overclock" ourselves to find fully original effects better than matrix's or Shaolin soccer's...
This Relentless movie could be a really unique case in the movies' History : a high quality 3D film made only by non-professionnal fans, and that created new
actions/effects... The scripters have much work to make for the project to be as we all expect it to be.

Read this thread to know more : The originality of the project

The violence in the movie :
We must choose how the characters of the movie will be hurted, and will maybe die : go in the violence in the movie thread to know exactly what we could make. And look at the little video clips that show how the enemies could die.
For the moment, we think enemies would often be knocked out, hurted, but at the end, when the magic ball is on its last level of power, its effects could be incredibly dangerous, frecking out the first times he uses a so powerful ball...

The RMP team's name :
Give your opinion about it on the team's name thread .

The musics :
A vote is still set on the forum to decide where the musics will come from : Musics thread
For the moment, 30 % of members want it to be LBA1+LBA2 musics only in the film, and 25% want musics from LBA1, LBA, and fan musics in the movie.
We can also ask for Philippe Vachey's help (the man who created LBA's musics).

The magic ball : solid or pure energy :
You can still vote to decide if Twinsen's ball will be pure energy, magic, or will be more as a tennis ball, solid : The magic ball thread
For the moment most members prefer an energy ball. After the discussion in the thread,
we think that it should be an energy ball able to disappear in Twinsen's
hand after the use, but when she'll be thrown it'll become a little "solid",
to make damages. So during the flight, it won't be able to pass through walls or objects.

The end : How will it be :
You can still vote to say if you agree with Luc's end on The end of movie thread . He spoke about a zoom-out at the end of the film, that would show the esmers who go through the space with their shuttles, maybe to Twinsun, maybe to the Green Moon...
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