3D Models Library
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[Twinsen's objects]
Created by FreeLanZer on 04-18-2006
Download: *_3ds_max.zip [ with 2647 KB ]
The guitar of the old WL Desert rabbibunny...
Created by Thehen on 11-13-2005
Download: *.zip [ with 1261 KB ]
One of the vehicles on the construction site...
Created by Thehen on 11-13-2005
Download: *.zip [ with 325 KB ]
The small and quick car Twinsen uses all along the game...
Created by Gobbles on 10-25-2005
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 2660 KB ]
A big motorbike in which Twinsen doesn't care about the rain anymore...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Dotten on 03-13-2005
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 450 KB ]
A dangerous rifle that both FF soldiers and rebels can use...
Created by Bot13 on 09-18-2004
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 498 KB ]
A version of the motorbike FF's soldiers use...
Created by Gobbles on 08-20-2004
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 610 KB ]
A more elaborated version of Twinsen's catamaran...
Created by Alexfont on 11-14-2003
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 227 KB ]
The tree of the WL desert, a victim of drought...
Created by Alexfont on 11-14-2003
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 222 KB ]
A typical palm tree of Twinsun...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 07-28-2003
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 72 KB ]
The wine barrel showed in the museum of Proxima...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 07-28-2003
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 53 KB ]
The wicker basket of the museum of Proxima...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 07-28-2003
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 53 KB ]
The chest full of jewels from the museum of Proxima...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 07-28-2003
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 272 KB ]
The siren sculpture of the museum...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 07-28-2003
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 355 KB ]
The dead shark we can see in the museum of Proxima...
Created by Firephoenix on 07-28-2003
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 284 KB ]
The little rubber boat of the museum of Proxima...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 07-28-2003
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 211 KB ]
The old weapon of the museum of Proxima...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 07-28-2003
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 35 KB ]
The boat propeller we see in the museum of Proxima...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 07-23-2003
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 173 KB ]
The so expansive way to get health...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Firephoenix on 04-11-2003
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 224 KB ]
The cement mills we can see in the northern construction site...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 04-11-2003
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 137 KB ]
The fountain with the twinsunian face, in the PI library...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Assassin on 01-04-2003
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 19 KB ]
The sun chair we can see near the beach, in the end of the game, during the party...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 01-04-2003
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 208 KB ]
The toilets that Twinsunians surely need, even if those are quite invisible in the game...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 12-27-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 50 KB ]
The pylons and ugly-water-shedding tubes we see in all the sewers...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 12-26-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 608 KB ]
The money box that every seller loves so much...
Created by Thehen on 12-07-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 248 KB ]
A fun plant with huge flowers...
Created by Thehen on 12-07-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 233 KB ]
A pretty big green plant...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Thehen on 12-07-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 215 KB ]
The lamps on the tables of the PI library...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Assassin+Firephoenix on 11-16-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 130 KB ]
The pieces of wood we find close to the chimneys, in the Twinsunians' houses...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Totoleboboss+Thehen on 11-16-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 28 KB ]
The beautiful table of the PI library, with straight corners...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Assassin on 11-13-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 139 KB ]
The fake shark of the sewers of Funfrock's Fortress...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Assassin on 11-13-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 78 KB ]
The shield of the famous bazaar of the PI...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Froghunter on 11-12-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 61 KB ]
The wood wine barrel which is in different shops and in the museum of the Proxima Island...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Firephoenix on 11-11-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 55 KB ]
The big buoys we see close to the ports, in the see, and that are used to attach boats...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Assassin on 11-11-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 67 KB ]
The shield of the shop of the key-maker that helps you...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Froghunter+Thehen on 11-10-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 96 KB ]
This is the chair with armrests that you can see in the museum of the Principal island...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 11-03-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 89 KB ]
A really comfortable armchair...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Assassin on 10-06-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 110 KB ]
The weird plays in the kindergarten/militar camp of the principal island...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Assassin on 10-06-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 323 KB ]
The pretty boat wheel of the museum, a very rare piece...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 10-05-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 63 KB ]
The so cute dresser close to each Twinsunian bed...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 10-05-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 251 KB ]
An other type of lamp, the one we find in the stables and in some shops...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Totoleboboss on 10-03-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 532 KB ]
A huge boiler/generator (no one ever knew what it was for :p)...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 10-01-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 1033 KB ]
The bath tub we can find in the richer Twinsunians' houses...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 09-27-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 651 KB ]
A nice white wash basin...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Thehen on 09-22-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 89 KB ]
A stack of books as we see some in the libraries and houses...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Thehen on 09-22-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 172 KB ]
The money box you find in the shops or in the museums...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 09-16-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 688 KB ]
The huge bottles we find in the shops...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Assassin on 09-08-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 180 KB ]
The anchor showed in the museum of Proxima...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Totoleboboss on 09-08-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 327 KB ]
The pipes that go out of the factories...
Created by Assassin on 09-03-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 1263 KB ]
The little boat that you use in the north hemisphere...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 09-03-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 119 KB ]
The wall lamp that enlightens the sewers of Tipett...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 09-03-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 285 KB ]
The little lamp post we find in the sewers of Tipett...
[Twinsen's objects]
Created by Firephoenix on 08-30-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 183 KB ]
The little petrol can that you find in the shops and close to the vehicles...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Totoleboboss on 08-28-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 684 KB ]
The light of the Citadel cafe which is on the wall.
[FF's men objects]
Created by Axx on 08-28-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 374 KB ]
The barriers that protect the important areas like the factories...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 08-27-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 374 KB ]
The pretty panel we find in the sewers of Tipett (the optimize modifier of the curve lines must be set in function of the visibility of that panel)...
Created by Firephoenix on 08-25-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 295 KB ]
The big carrots that grow up in the rabbibunny village. Well improved and retuxtured, it could also be the golden carrot over the sacred carrot door...
[Bu's objects]
Created by Razor on 08-22-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 54 KB ]
A little idol, throwing fire balls as the big one...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 08-19-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 128 KB ]
The automatic turret that protects the Hamalayi buildings...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Firephoenix on 08-11-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 649 KB ]
The big and heavy metal cage that is used to capture Twinsen in the Fortress...
[Twinsen's objects]
Created by Axx+Firephoenix on 08-10-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 1018 KB ]
The magic flute that makes the clear water to appear and that makes vegetables to grow in the desert (boolean operation needed for the holes in it)...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Froghunter+Totoleboboss
on 08-08-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 642 KB ]
A pretty high stool/chair from the bar of Tipett : "Twinsun Cafe"...
[Bu's objects]
Created by Firephoenix
on 08-08-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 248 KB ]
A beautiful big vase of the temple of Bu...
Created by Axx on 08-07-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 82 KB ]
A fully dead tree of the desert, before the use of the magic flute...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Assassin on 08-06-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 334 KB ]
The little tent where the soldiers sleep, in the military camps...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Assassin on 08-06-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 622 KB ]
The pretty rope that prevents people from touching the museum objects...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Firephoenix
on 08-06-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 238 KB ]
The pretty tourniquet of the kindergarten that was transformed in military camp...
[Bu's objects]
Created by Firephoenix on 07-11-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 365 KB ]
The antic stone jar you see everywhere in the temple...
[Twinsen's objects]
Created by Assassin on 07-09-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 75 KB ]
The key located in the museum of Proxima, only way to accesss the cave of Twinsen's house
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by 3D-Bruyn on 07-08-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 248 KB ]
A pretty high house lamp...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by 3D-Bruyn on 07-08-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 1057 KB ]
A large drawing table, like Baldino's one.
[FF's men objects]
Created by Assassin on 07-08-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 74 KB ]
An other version of the banner of Funfrock...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Assassin on 07-08-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 81 KB ]
The towers that are all around the Desert island (I wonder how soldiers could climb on them)...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Thehen on 07-08-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 46 KB ]
The banner of Funfrock, that is on all the walls of his buildings...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Assassin on 07-08-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 110 KB ]
A version of the simple bed that is in each cell of Funfrock's prisons...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Lightwing on 07-05-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 105 KB ]
A barrel of fuel, for Funfrock's men...
[Bu's objects]
Created by Lightwing on 07-05-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 14 KB ]
The lever that opens the doors of Bu's temple, when Twinsen or a meca-pinguin goes on it (the spikes of the button enter the rock when the button is pushed)...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Lightwing on 07-05-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 242 KB ]
A little metal lamp, very useful for the architects...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Firephoenix on 06-19-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 1668 KB ]
A pretty slice of the PI kindergarten, that is now a military camp for FF's soldiers (included : two curve lines that can be used as trajectories)...
Created by Kaderoboy on 06-18-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 262 KB ]
The big ferry that sails between the citadel island and the Principal island...
[Bu's objects]
Created by Kaderoboy on 06-17-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 153 KB ]
A small temple that would suit well to the front of Bu's floating temple...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 06-11-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 353 KB ]
A model of the desk you see in shops, bazaars, libraries, with the chair that goes with it...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 06-11-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 278 KB ]
A bottle and some glasses for the tavern...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 06-11-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 190 KB ]
A model of the toolboxes owned by grobo engineers.
Created by Dark Eyedol on 06-11-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip [ with 267 KB ]
A model of a wooden boat you can see near shores...
Created by Firephoenix+The_angry_monkey on 06-10-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 8942 KB ]
A heavy model of flowers pot, that I made using one leaf model and one petal model from The_angry_monkey...
[Bu's objects]
Created by Kaderoboy on 06-09-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 446 KB ]
The book of Bu, that gives you the second magic level...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Kaderoboy on 06-09-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 647 KB ]
The gun of the high level groboclones, quite dangerous in low range...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Totoleboboss on 05-22-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 127 KB ]
A pretty coat stand (you can modify the splines of the sub-objects)...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Thehen on 05-09-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 17 KB ]
A pretty sign post (needs two sided textures)...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Thehen on 05-09-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 244 KB ]
A strange lamp post...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Thehen on 05-09-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 293 KB ]
Some of the soldiers' protections against intrusions...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Thehen on 05-09-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 307 KB ]
A pretty wood bin, as we see so many ones in LBA...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 05-09-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 62 KB ]
More comfortable, you die...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 05-09-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 225 KB ]
A beautiful table and its chair...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 05-09-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 97 KB ]
The monitor that follows all the teleportation operations on Twinsun...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 05-09-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 502 KB ]
A pretty wheelbarrow...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Phoenix on 04-18-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 124 KB ]
A little table lamp...
[Twinsen's objects]
Created by Phoenix on 04-18-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 44 KB ]
The only money on Twinsun...
[Twinsen's objects]
Created by Phoenix on 04-18-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 385 KB ]
Twinsen's very useful proto-pack...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Phoenix on 04-18-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 495 KB ]
The computer we often see in Funfrock's factories...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Phoenix on 04-18-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 249 KB ]
The dangerous machine gun that kill anybody that approaches...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Toblix on 04-17-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 111 KB ]
Twinsen's neighbour's wood chair (with a noise modifier on the pillows)...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 04-16-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 235 KB ]
The bust of the beautiful Dr Funfrock...
[Bu's objects]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 04-15-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip [ with 88 KB ]
Two versions of the greatest danger of Bu's temple...
[Bu's objects]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 04-06-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 176 KB ]
The dangerous idol that hurts Twinsen all the time in Bu's temple
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 04-06-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 134 KB ]
A metal trash bin, so useful in the game...
Created by Dark Eyedol on 04-06-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 695 KB ]
A pretty desert cactus...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Toblix on 04-03-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 502 KB ]
A pretty little lamp as we can see in some houses...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Ephiriel on 04-01-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 101 KB ]
A big lamp post, with a well particular form...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Ephiriel on 04-01-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 37 KB ]
A pretty wooden bin...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Ephiriel on 04-01-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 118 KB ]
A bench as we can see thousands on Twinsun...
[Twinsen's objects]
Created by Firephoenix on 03-24-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 453 KB ]
The very useful bottle that Twinsen always keeps in his inventory...
Created by Firephoenix on 03-24-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 1136 KB ]
The fabulous tank Twinsen and the rebel steal in the Hamalayi : a war monster full of bonuses :) ...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Firephoenix on 03-24-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 28 KB ]
We can see near the beaches those huge steel barricades, surely a way to prevent rebels from making a landing with vehicles...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Luc on 03-17-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 280 KB ]
A pretty round wooden table, for the Twinsunians' houses...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 03-17-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 254 KB ]
A model of the little wooden toilet houses you see at FF's military camps...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Firephoenix on 03-10-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *_max.zip [ with 412 KB ]
The little box for the soldiers...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 03-05-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 706 KB ]
The so numerous oil tankers near the soldiers' camps...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 03-04-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 363 KB ]
A pretty snow man from the Hamalayi...
Created by Dark Eyedol on 03-04-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 350 KB ]
The bulldozer of the north island, very dangerous when you dont drive it yourself...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 03-04-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 273 KB ]
The desk of the doctors and nurses...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 03-04-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 534 KB ]
A basic Twinsunian's kitchen furniture...
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 03-04-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 151 KB ]
A model of a Twinsunian's bed...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 02-26-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 102 KB ]
A model of a regular locker from jails, labs and factories...
Created by Dark Eyedol on 02-26-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 62 KB ]
A model of the boat owned by the Astronomer's friend, that carries Twinsen until the White Leaf Desert...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 02-26-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 556 KB ]
A model of a regular rotative machine-gun...
Created by Dark Eyedol on 02-26-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 65 KB ]
A model of the rebel's military boat which carries Twinsen to Himalayi...
Created by Dark Eyedol on 02-26-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 235 KB ]
A model of the truck that carries Twinsen out of the citadel...
Created by Dark Eyedol on 02-26-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 447 KB ]
A model of a regular assault tank, that really matches the game...
Created by Dark Eyedol on 02-26-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 436 KB ]
A model of Twinsen's valuable catamaran...
[FF's men objects]
Created by Dark Eyedol on 02-26-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 47 KB ]
A model of an annoying and unavoidable object of the game...
Created by Darkflame on 02-04-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *.max [ with 200 KB ]
A pretty tree, as we can find lots on Twinsen...
Created by Darkflame on 02-04-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip | *.max [ with 176 KB ]
A palm tree as we can find some on the citadel island...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by Firephoenix on 02-02-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 1041 KB ]
The rebels' cauldron... Yes, we also need so poor objects :)
[Twinsunian furniture]
Created by Firephoenix on 01-26-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 461 KB ]
A simple lamp...
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by The_angry_monkey on 01-19-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 110 KB ]
Useful when you want to know where you go...
[FF's men objects]
Created by The_angry_monkey on 01-19-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 232 KB ]
The Hamalayi's telecom station : Destroy it or die...It is made from many pieces so that it can be "blown up" with chunky explosions.
[Ordinary out objects]
Created by The_angry_monkey on 01-19-2002
Download: *.3ds | *.max [ with 234 KB ]
The lamp post, quite useless in LBA1 (there is no night on Twinsun)...
[FF's men objects]
Created by The_angry_monkey on 01-19-2002
Download: *.3ds [ with 86 KB ]
The actual vessel is hollow, so liquids can be put inside, and the lid has a screw cap, just in case :-)
[FF's men objects]
Created by The_angry_monkey on 01-10-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip [ with 174 KB ]
Here is a model of the telepads seen all around the LBA world.
Created by Phoenix on 01-10-2002
Download: *_3ds.zip [ with 707 KB ]
A pretty smooth tree, that really matches the game...

Copyright © 2005 LBA Relentless Movie Project - All rights reserved  
Design by Alexandre Fontoura [alexfont]